Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy


This policy document has been prepared to define the way that SattvaMeta Ltd (SM) intends to manage health and safety and meet the requirements of Section 2(3) of the health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.  

This act requires an employer to prepare a statement of general policy with respect to health and safety at work and the organisation and arrangements set up to carry out that policy. SattvaMeta Ltd health, safety and environmental management document system is contained within this policy document and its associated instructions, assessments and guidance documents.  

The document system formally communicates the instructions and procedures covering operation and work activities from the Company Director(s) to their supporting managers and supervisors and all other personnel employed or involved in the Company's activities. The document system has been developed to meet statutory requirements for a safety management system to ensure the health and safety of all personnel associated with work activities of the Company including contractors, visitors and the general public. The policy and its associated documents apply as defined to all personnel employed or contracted to SattvaMeta Ltd as appropriate to the work being undertaken.  

It is the duty of personnel so involved to apply the requirements of these documents to their work. 


In every activity of its business, SattvaMeta Ltd is fully committed to minimising the risk of injury or ill health to people and damage to property or the environment. 

SattvaMeta Ltd fully accepts its moral and legal obligations to safeguard, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees and anyone who may be affected by the actions of the Company and its employees. 

The Company will set standards to comply with the relevant statutory requirements relating to health, safety and welfare with regard to the effect on employees, contractors, visitors and the public. 

SattvaMeta Ltd will: 

  • Meet its responsibilities as an employer to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent accidents, injuries and damage to health. 
  • Provide and maintain safe working environments that minimize the risks to health, safety and welfare. 
  • Ensure all employees play an active part in the health and safety of the Company by consulting with them and providing them with adequate information, instruction, training and supervision so they can understand their role within the Company. 
  • Safeguard employees and others from foreseeable hazards connected with work activities, processes and working systems. 

Ensure that: 

  • hazardous areas are kept secure from the public, employees, tenants or contractors/suppliers not required to enter them; 
  • adequate guidance, instruction, training and supervision are provided for safe methods of work to be developed when new substances, plant, machinery, equipment, processes or premises are introduced; 
  • all plant and equipment are maintained in a safe condition and is subject to routine and statutory inspections and examinations; 
  • contractors/suppliers working for the Company are informed of the relevant standards required and are monitored to ensure compliance without detracting from the contractors/supplier’s legal responsibilities to comply with statutory requirements. 

The Company will communicate the health and safety policy to all employees and it will be freely available to customers and the general public. This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as required to conform to current legislation. 

Employees are required to cooperate with the Company to ensure their personal safety and to ensure they are not prosecuted for breach of legislation nor have disciplinary action taken against them by the Company for breach of company rules. 

This policy, supported by instructions, procedures and organizational arrangements will be applied to all activities carried out by the Company. All employees and contractors/suppliers will enforce this policy. The Managing Director is personally responsible for the health and safety performance of the Company and signs this policy statement in acknowledgement of this.  






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