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Online carbon reduction plan - Sattva Meta Services

Carbon Reduction Plan

SM helps you Measure- you can't solve a problem, if you don't know how big it is.

-SM helps your finance department Uncover the base data needed as its often there without being used.

-SM helps you Identify the best place to start tackling an emissions plan by identifying the areas where your efforts will have the greatest impact. A plan doesn't need to be perfect to start with, it just needs to have a single concrete step to start with.

-SM can help you find ways to Fund your efforts and accelerate your plan.

-SM can help you Track your efforts and gear the wins into a reducing the cost of ongoing efforts.

Reducing carbon footprint is significant because it lessens the effects of global climate change, improves public health, boosts the global economy, and maintains biodiversity. Our platform analyses emission for every line item of business without any disruption to normal business activities. When we cut carbon emissions, we help ensure cleaner air, water, and food for our generation and for generations yet to come. All you need to do is drag & drop your files on our dashboard we take care of the rest. users can set goals and implement reductions as per the agreed plan.